Framework Agreements have been shown to deliver infrastructure effectively. Where the type of work is routine and required repeatedly over a period of time, this delivery method takes away the burden on the supply chain and procurement processes, and instead delivers on capacity.

SABEeX has been engaged in the preparation and delivery of Framework Agreements for more than a decade. Success is clearly described in a comprehensive case study relating the initial delivery of the University of Mpumalanga and Sol Plaatje University from 2011 to 2017 by the implementing agent.



Since 2017, the two newly formed Universities continued to utilise Framework Agreements to secure capacity to plan and design the infrastructure required for their academic programmes, as well as the construction capacity required to construct these. From 2017 through to 2022, the Universities have successfully delivered many new buildings within stringent time and cost constraints imposed by the DHET as the funding agent.

SABEeX has been key in the turnaround of the infrastructure delivery of the Central University of Technology's Mega Projects. These six large projects were stalled due to procurement challenges from 2018, however their delivery is currently underway thanks to the use of Framework Agreements for professional services, and since 2022, construction capacity for the construction of such buildings.

In 2017, the National Treasury published their policy and implementation framework called the Standard for Infrastructure Procurement and Delivery Management (SIPDM). This document included detailed mechanisms for the institutional implementation of framework agreements which could be shared between organs of state. There was guidance on how to implement these provided in the accompanying Civilution Magazine that was published to support the SIPDM.


The procurement arrangements for delivering two new universities: July 2012 to December 2014  
Dr Ron Watermeyer, Alain Jacquet and Emmanuel Prinsloo

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